If you are participating in a development project that is using Subversion for version control, you will need to use Subversion to access and change project source files. You must have a Subversion client installed on your local machine like Tortoise SVN for Windows or Sourcetree for Mac. Getting a local working copy for your [...]
Cómo hacer varias llamadas AJAX asíncronas simultáneas y con un sólo callback
Si queremos ejecutar varias llamadas AJAX asíncronas simultaneas y queremos hacer algo cuando todas las llamadas hayan acabado, cómo lo haríamos, de una manera eficiente y sencilla? Pues aquí viene nuestro amigo jQuery y el metodo .when() Puede ser útil para cargar cosas a demanda, como proponen en el ejemplo, features que pocos usuarios utilizan [...]
Weird bug on PhoneGap 2.9/3.0
Yesterday I found a strange but funny bug on PhoneGap/Cordova 2.9/3.0. It seems that if your proyect begins with a number then you won’t be able to add “android” as a platform. Example $ cordova create 100Project com.example.100project "100 Project"$ cordova platform add android [Error: An error occured during creation of android sub-project. An unexpected [...]
Infographic: How Mobile is Changing Business
Situaciones a las que nos enfrentamos los Desarrolladores todos los días
Cuando hago una puesta en producción Cuando encuentro una solución sin buscar en google Cuando se desconecta mi ordenador antes de haber salvado todo Cuando intento corregir un bug a las 3 de la mañana Cuando mi regexp devuelve exactamente eso que esperaba Cuando mis colegas me proponen una pausa para el café en [...]
WordPress Tip: How to rewrite HTTP into HTTPS urls WITHOUT htaccess
If you are in need of rewriting HTTP URLs stored in your WordPress database installation and don’t want to manually change them into HTTPs this little trick can be useful to you. In my case, I needed to change all the URLs of the attachments of posts like this “http://mydomain.com/files/2012/11/image01.jpg” to HTTPS. If there were [...]
The anatomy of a web designer
INTERFACE SKETCH – Free sketch templates for web, mobile and tablet.
INTERFACE SKETCH - Free sketch templates for web, mobile and tablet.If you’re designing a website or app, these simple templates are designed to help you sketch your ideas on paper. How to use Download a template. Print it out. Start sketching! You can print in colour or black-and-white; on laser or inkjet printer. All templates [...]
mod_pagespeed – Make the Web Faster — Google Developers
mod_pagespeed - Make the Web Faster — Google Developersmod_pagespeed mod_pagespeed speeds up your site and reduces page load time. This open-source Apache HTTP server module automatically applies web performance best practices to pages, and associated assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) without requiring that you modify your existing content or workflow.
Style checkbox and radio – prettyCheckable jQuery Plugin
Style checkbox and radio - prettyCheckable jQuery PluginWhat does it do? This plugin replaces the default checkboxes and radio inputs for better looking ones. Features: Compatible with IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and mobile browsers; Custom design, kindly provided by Bruno O. Barros; Four color options (Twitter bootstrap) + editable PSD; Better look & size; Super easy implementation; [...]