The Smashing Guide To Moving The Web Forward – Smashing Magazine
Archivo mensual: noviembre 2011
Will the Browser Wars Invade the Mobile Web?
Will the Browser Wars Invade the Mobile Web?
A List Apart: Articles: Getting Started with Sass
A List Apart: Articles: Getting Started with Sass CSS’ simplicity has always been one of its defining, most welcome features. CSS style sheets are just long lists of rules, each consisting of a selector and some styles to apply. But as our websites and applications get bigger and become more complex, and target a wider […]
Trello, collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards.
Trello, collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards.Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what’s being worked on, who’s working on what, and where something is in a process.
Pep Gómez 18 year-old tech entrepreneur and music producer. Running Fever, a mobile startup based in Silicon Valley, NYC and Barcelona
Pep Gómez 18 year-old tech entrepreneur and music producer. Running Fever, a mobile startup based in Silicon Valley, NYC and BarcelonaPep Gómez es un emprendedor castellonense de 18 años que se encuentra trabajando en la meca de la tecnología, en Silicon Valley (Estados Unidos). Es, además, diseñador, inversor en empresas de tecnología, productor musical y ha […]
Mozilla CSS Reference – MDN
Mozilla CSS Reference – MDNThis an alphabetical list of CSS features. If you are going to add or modify a page, please fit in with the template CSS Reference:Property Template and modify as required. The basic template for example pages can be found here:samples/cssref/TEMPLATE.html. Feel free to discuss any questions or suggestions on the Talk:CSS Reference page. See also Mozilla […]
Bootstrap, from Twitter
Bootstrap, from TwitterBootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more. Nerd alert: Bootstrap is built with Less and was designed to work out of the gate with modern browsers in mind.
Got Klout? Measure and Increase your Brand’s Online Influence
Got Klout? Measure and Increase your Brand’s Online Influence
Surf the Web Together —
Surf the Web Together — Channel.meYou know how it is: you can try to verbally explain to someone how a website works, but nothing is easier or clearer than simply showing them what you’re talking about. Surf the Web Together now makes it easy to do exactly that. Simply paste the URL of the website that you […]
Mobile Performance Manifesto | David Calhoun’s Developer Blog
Mobile Performance Manifesto | David Calhoun’s Developer Blog